War Tanks

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26,669 Views 1 decade ago War

War footage rules, there's nothing better.

  • apocalypse72 December 14, 2005

    hey truth, there is no truth that those letters are true. the media and government can pay off the soldiers to lie to us. look at the position they're in, soldiers are over there, if they disobey they can get in a lot of trouble, things like black marks and expulsion from the marines and shit arent good for ur rep. they get paid shit in the first place...

  • braody December 9, 2005

    I am not a liberal a democrate or a republican... because if you choose a side your a moron, obviously none of you understood where I am coming from, all you can do is talk shit on me, that doesnt matter though, its not about me, its about all of us, we are getting fucked and its because we allow it, because we dont use logic or common sence to figure out what is happining in our world, some of you are saying that iraqies are glad we are there, how do you know? have you been there have you talked to a person from iraq, your all living in an illusion of someone elses sick idiology, you sit there and seperate your self from the rest of the world, why? because your on the other side of it, the problem with us ( and I mean Americans ) is that we have no idea what the rest of the world is about, because we never leave our little safety nest... war has never solved any thing, just people die a few make money and the majority suffer, in our laws in the states we do not allow fighting or violance, you end up in jail if you beat someones ass or shoot someone, why are we hypocritical about it when it comes to our foreign policy... 6 billion people in the world apposed the war we are in, does that raise a question for you? stop thinking from hate and I am not saying be a pussy... but use your brain, use logic and compassion and your heart to figure out whats right and wrong thats what makes a man, use your god given ability to stand up together, don't beleive anything anyone tells you, figure it out on your own, its way more satisfing and fullfiling, don't beleive me, just let it spark the fire to wanna be free and figure it out on your own is all I am saying... together we stand devided we fall.

  • leebuck2 December 9, 2005

    Pablos, the problem is that the democrats of today (for the most part) have steered away from thier core beliefs and turned into weirdos. I will spare you the explanation. As for you Broady, I am guessing I struck a chord and hurt your little feelings judging by the size of that novel of shit you just spouted. Get real faggot, those weird assholes deserve everything they get. Every fucking war that has ever happened America has just responded by putting the smack down and making things right. Little pasty white video game playing lib fags like you have the right to sit behind your little keyboard and type insults (which are not even good at that) because the majority of Americans are not afraid to lay the smack down on some sand niggers asses. The problem with things today is that people are too fucking nice. We should have just gone FDR on thier asses, glass the whole region and then turn it into a skate park so you and your skater fag friends can enjoy some fine desert skating.

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