Let Me Get A Shot

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49,956 Views 1 decade ago War

I can only imagine the rush you get when your being fired onlike that. Shit!! I'd want a shot at em too.

  • teeto April 21, 2011

    can someone show me where I can see american troops dying

  • armystrong December 27, 2006

    hey, this is how it is over there! My fellow troops and I have only been tying to survive! War has its downside, I have lost 12 fellow sodiers who were just trying to help the sick and needy. I have seen the worst and those of you who sit and judge us for doing as were told and defending our own lives.............you should join and go over and serve! I am humbled every time I lose another troop, I have suffered from being attacked and watching your friend die in you arms! I ask of you to open you eyes and think about what it would be like if you were in my boots or in any of my fellow troops' boots! I am headed back for number 4 and i will tell you its getting worse everytime! I did not ask for this war, the war asked for me and we will answer in any way we have to! Over there the enemy has many faces, good, bad, baby, elderly, crippled and the faces of ghosts(the ones you never see). I dont give a fuck about the damn oil, I give a shit about surviving the next trip!

  • 2npink1nstink June 1, 2006

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Fuck you and all them dirty ass muslims...the world would be a better place if you all would die!!!

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