Bet 1 out of 10 ppl who post the "lol what a wuss, I woulda killed em all with one hand instantly" comments have actually been in a fight, the rest is just like I was back in my youth, watched to many movies and thought, "Hey, I can fight just as good as the UFC guys", ran my mouth and got fucking punched in the face. Come back when you've felt what its like to have a guy smashing your teeth in.
That was sexy
Bet 1 out of 10 ppl who post the "lol what a wuss, I woulda killed em all with one hand instantly" comments have actually been in a fight, the rest is just like I was back in my youth, watched to many movies and thought, "Hey, I can fight just as good as the UFC guys", ran my mouth and got fucking punched in the face. Come back when you've felt what its like to have a guy smashing your teeth in.
the guy in the back at the begining sounds like he is haveing an orgasim.