Workers comp

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lafind User Avatar
10,701 Views 4 years ago User Submissions

Guess he wanted a disability parking tag?

  • michelle-obama November 29, 2020

    Its the California affect. California has the most anti-business workmens comp laws in the nation. This is by design. The Socialist goverment of CA taxes the shit of businesses for workman's comp and yet pays out too little of the "worker" to afford a place to live in CA. Therefore the slacker losers "worker" has to leave the state and move to Texas where they vote for the libtards that gave him the money to leave the state.

  • oneofafukingkind November 28, 2020

    What the fuck was the guy in the back doing? Playing with his dick?

  • s_tankhunt November 28, 2020

    This title is perfect! Should start a new set of clips called workers comp

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