Sweden. 24 year old Eva Johansson was accidentally strangled to death after requesting that she be tied, bagged and strangled with an electrical cord till she orgasms and passes out, while s...Sweden. 24 year old Eva Johansson was accidentally strangled to death after requesting that she be tied, bagged and strangled with an electrical cord till she orgasms and passes out, while she is to be sexually taken from behind. For the noose and bag to be taken off immediately after she passes out and if need be revived back by slapping her cheeks. She has done it before on numerous occasions. She was also recording all this to watch later. On her computer were found similar sex acts where she was strangled by others, including strangling and hanging herself while masturbating alone. But the younger man she had picked up had never done anything like that before and in the heat of arousal got carried away and had continued to have sex with her body from behind for at least 7 minutes after she passed out and was already dead. Therefore technically a case of necrophilia too.
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That's actually a good epitaph for her
Cmon greenie you had a whole minute