Top 10 Sucker Goals

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12,948 Views 1 decade ago

Now I'm not a big fan of the sport, but here are some pretty bad ass soccer calls.

  • eldridge_1190 April 9, 2007

    see what narrow minded idiots!! i play rugby and still i can say i think american football is a great sport because i dont care they are different sposrts its like comparing "soccer" and rugby or "soccer" and american football! god stop being such dicks

  • zonker March 11, 2006

    Why dont u Anglo-Saxons suck each other dick some more ?

  • cookie1979 February 9, 2006

    good point mr_todd about the different 'type' of sport. I still know they wouldnt stand a chance agains the mighty English or Auzzies or the all conquering All Blacks (although ahem.. England are the world champs!! yey)

    And actually 2npink1nstink we ALLOW America to think they are top dogs... after all you all coe running to Britain when you need someone to kick the shit out of someone cos you are too much of a pansy race to do it yourselves.

    The englsih £ is the strongest currency in the world.. our army (navy, air force) is the most feared and respected in the world.. we have the lowest rate of unemployment in the world.. basically ooo we beat you at everything we do.God bless America though fantastic people them yanks without them funding the IRA for 15 years the British wouldnt know how to fight terrorism as well as we do now.

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