President Bush's Finest Moments

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5,539 Views 1 decade ago Funny

This guy is supposed to be the world's most powerful man. Well At least there is hope for us all.

  • gdlj81 March 12, 2008

    Secondly, Bill Clinton would have done a much better job if he didn't have all you brain-dead Republicans worried about who he was fucking. Who gives a shit? At least that president, a fine example I might add and a Democrat, wasn't retarded. Another thing, I find it mighty amusing how so many Republicans were so concerned with Clinton's personal life when these same Republicans are fucking children. At least Clinton had the decency to get a woman, not rape a child.

  • gdlj81 March 12, 2008

    Your an idiot!!!

  • gdlj81 March 12, 2008

    To all you fucking idiots that are defending this moron, this lousy excuse for a human, much less a president, you are the reasons this nation is so fucked. How can anybody vote for this idiot? Look what's he's done to this country. Thank God he's almost out and we can finally let a Democrat fix what he's messed up. Thank God!!!

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