Super Bowl Commercials: Pizza Hut Jessica Simpson's Boots

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7,083 Views 1 decade ago Commercials

I'm not really a Fan of Jessica Simpson, but man I sure did enjoy watching her Pizza Hut Super Bowl Commercial. Jessica Simpson may not appear to be the smartest girl on the block, but she s... Show more

  • commoneagle February 23, 2006

    she's got a funny looking big nose and looks ( to me ) a lot like fara fauset (sp?) which is not a good look....i just don't think she is that hot at all....I seem to be in the minority or am I ???

    I'd almost be willing to bet i am not the only one with the opinion... why her and why fara???? someone like christy brinkly or any number of others are far foxier.....

  • jacksonsguilty February 13, 2006

    Looks like she's been eating the pizza herself. A little thick there

  • pablosdog February 12, 2006

    hey mountie! yes we have some serious double standards in this country. actually there is a lot of evidence that shows if a child sees a womans breast they will grow up into serial killers. so we have to be vigilant.

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