Everything got fucked up and perp got away

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7,001 Views 3 years ago User Submissions

Suspect Tries To Run Over Cop, Cop Fires Shots, Suspect Then Runs Into Store, Changes Clothes And Escapes On February 9, 2021, around 4:30 p.m., uniformed Southeast Patrol Division officers ... Show more

  • uklover2021 March 16, 2021

    Security guard: I m here for money

  • yourfatmother March 16, 2021

    Black criminal? How come? They’re always peaceful law abiding citizens... Not this universe.

  • snarkbait March 16, 2021

    He wasn't parked illegally, he was in the car with the engine running and the car in drive. That is not parked, it is standing, and it is only illegal if he was blocking someone, in which case the cop would have been obligated to have him move his car.

    Note the report says he was stopped for an "equipment violation," i.e. window tint. The window tint is one of those excuses California hands to cops to abuse its citizens, they require 70% transmission while most states are only 35%. It gives almost every stop a plausible reason, and the comment "you got dark windows" is a throw-away line. A good lawyer would subpoena the cop's body cam for a month prior to the incident and could probably show that he said it too often without actually testing the darkness of the tint or issuing citations and establish that window tint was a pretext. This video makes it clear it was not the reason for this stop. The cop standing in front of a running vehicle exhibited very poor judgement, and even worse marksmanship. In a jury trial he would walk with a decent lawyer. All he has to do is claim the cops obviously stopped him for DWB (Driving While Black), said what he was doing was illegal when it wasn't, and he was therefore fearful, his attention was on the cop he was talking to, and he did not see the cop in front of the car when he pulled away.

    Firing so many shots without regard for other people in the area is ridiculous when no injury actually occurred. It also pisses me off that dispatch is told "shots fired" when that implies that the subject fired the shots and not the idiot with the badge. These cops are not good at their job, and the reason I posted this is that they are so bad that they actually represent a threat to my, a white man, civil rights.

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