Sweden. 24 yr old young woman was accidentally strangled to death after requesting that she be tied, bagged and strangled during anal sex till she passes out, since this entire set up had ar...Sweden. 24 yr old young woman was accidentally strangled to death after requesting that she be tied, bagged and strangled during anal sex till she passes out, since this entire set up had aroused her a lot. She was heavily into erotic asphyxiation and had many video recordings on her computer where she was strangled during sex by different people, both men and women. But the young man she had picked up that day had never done anything like that before. He got carried away, not noticing that she had stopped making strangle sounds and continued to have sex with her dead body until he had ejaculated. Which was minutes after she was already strangled dead.
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At least she died doing what she enjoyed. More than that cunt that pisses on stuff in stores.