This old man was my hero right up until the point I saw his socks. WTF My Elder Pimp? I could look passed the deformed chode he's packing cause honestly I'm just impressed he's still able to get a boner (#Viagra) plus he can't help it if his helmet looks chewed up and almost twisted off. But you can help what Socks you wear each day. Especially on porn shoot day! Come On Gramps... Yellow? REALLY?
Also did I hear an attempt at "Whoomp There It Is" reference? Cause I didn't see no Tag Team back again in this clip...
Ciao dadi
tf did someone tag soulja boy lmao
This old man was my hero right up until the point I saw his socks. WTF My Elder Pimp? I could look passed the deformed chode he's packing cause honestly I'm just impressed he's still able to get a boner (#Viagra) plus he can't help it if his helmet looks chewed up and almost twisted off. But you can help what Socks you wear each day. Especially on porn shoot day! Come On Gramps... Yellow? REALLY?
Also did I hear an attempt at "Whoomp There It Is" reference? Cause I didn't see no Tag Team back again in this clip...