Dave Chapelle: Black Bush

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10,193 Views 1 decade ago Celebrities

Dave Chapelle is one funny fucker. He pretty much nailed this one. Black President Bush lol.

  • calikronzhotie August 3, 2008

    Chapelle is one funny nigga...and I mean that in a good way! I love the episode of the Playa Haters Ball. To bad he quit makin his shows. And I would have voted for you shitlooker. The government is constantly wasting our money on stupid ass shit...meanwhile, they have cut backs in education and can't help out the people that give them the money to blow. We went over for oil and I'm still gettin ass raped at the gas stations. WTF?!

  • justwrong March 14, 2006

    are pablo and braody done fellating each other yet?

  • pablosdog March 2, 2006

    braody, you make some excellent points. One of the differences between you and me is I don't have a moral problem with acting in my own self interest.

    I don't feel guilty about success. My boss does show up late but I respect him because decisions he has made have resulted in him getting promoted faster than me. It seems like you are saying that if different people had the same power and position they would act differently and I can't agree with that. Alot of people would say that power corrupts but if you have never had it then you can't know the responsiblilty it engenders. BTW so what if he jokes on us (whites) can't anybody take a joke? He's fucking hilarious.

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