Unnecessary Censorship With Donald Trump

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7,783 Views 1 decade ago Funny

I never get tired of seeing these clips. It's one of the few things that I actually look forward to.

  • kenfromdublin February 7, 2009

    At the risk of coming across as an idiot -(okay -'Ken we all know you ARE an idiot') I replied for you okay? - Are these real out-takes? They are so funny and some of them at least seem genuine, are they all fake or just some of them or are they all real out-takes?

  • zenanights1 March 19, 2006

    that shits so fucking funny

  • pablosdog March 18, 2006

    Can't wait to see how some moron is going to turn this hilarious clip into an excuse to use the word "Nigger". Oops! looks like I am that moron. damn it!

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