All I can say id that you all are argueing about something that your not even sure is true or flase the best thing anyone can do is believe in your choice and hope for the best in the end your all dead anyways. so deal with it like the fuck tard that GOD created you as, and as for the koran that's fine and all but you all need to realize that the bible and the koran are 2 seprate truths about GOD that was seperated by some idiots along time ago that thought they could control the populace by force of religion. As far as religion goes it's a complete waste of time Yes I believe in GOD but no where in there does it say I have to go to a church and worship him. It states "Where there are 2 or more talking about him he'll be there!" yes that is Alah as well for those of you who believe in the koran or Jehova and so on and so forth. so if you would like to talk about GOD I'm ready to listen but if you want to talk about religion then you will be and should be ignored for you fallow mans law for understanding GOD there is no way for anyone to understand that which is infinite.
Oh man, there are so many reasons why this thread is hilarious. A religious arguement erupted over a Family Guy clip! And then there's the Christians who don't know their faith, the Atheists who don't quite know their stance, and the people who try to merge the two.
The Bible makes it quite clear that all life was made by him. The Bible also makes it quite clear that God would rather a man fuck a whore than masturbate. It also pretty much lays out that the Anti-Christ is not an Anti-Christian entity, and that there will be multiple Anti-Christs through time until the End comes. God makes it quite clear in both testaments that he hates those who are not of his chosen faith. God is not Love. Christ is Love. Though Christ is a part of the Holy Trinity, he is not God. As Christ said in Matt 13:32 "But of that day or that hour not a person knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." This verse shows that Christ the Son is part of the Trinity and part of God, but not God the Father. God is Knowledge and Justice. Love he left for the Son.
I find the mention of "Where was love created then?" rather amusing. It was created in our brains. The brains God gave us. He did not create emotions or feelings, or such ideas. He let us do it on our own through the act of free will.
Meanwhile, faith is what you believe in, no matter if it is true or not. If you think the sun shall come up tommorow at morning, you have faith in the sun to do that.
As for "Man must have been created by someone or something, else we could not possibly be here! Just look at watches!" Well, you see, there's a problem with that logic. Watches are artificial. They do not naturally occur. Each and every watch must be created by someone or something? Would you claim that humans are artificial? That we are all fake? Even if God created the first two humans, all others were made through natural means. Humans are natural, not artificial. Now, if you want to continue that arguement do so. Say that us being here is proof that someone created us. You come across a tree that has falled in the forest. You say it was chopped down. Evolutionists would say lightning hit it. If all you do is rely upon the fact that the tree has fallen, you can not begin to figure out what actually got rid of it. Inspect it to see if there are ax marks on it, or if it has burns.
I also notice mentions of aliens by a Christian. In Genesis, it is plainly stated that Man is the only creature with enough intelligence to create. He granted this ability to us, and us alone, so that we could rule over all other life in Creation. Saying that intelligent aliens who build advanced spacecraft exist says that God did not grant us that lone ability and that he did not make us cheifs of all other life in Creation.
You can not pick and choose which part of the Bible to believe in. It is God-Breathed, each and every word written by him through the prophets and Disciples. In Revelations, it is made clear that denying one part of the Bible means denying all parts of the Bible.
There is no room for metaphorical interpretation, because it supports what you want to be more than what the Bible says it to be. God had the Bible written like he did, to make sure people would know unalltered truth, and made it so even simple people, of the lowest intelligence, could understand. There is no metaphor, there is no "Well, this is what Matthew is actually saying here..." and there is no room for doubt.
Meanwhile, now that the Christian part is out of the way, let's go to the other side.
The reasons monkeys have yet evolve into humans, is because they have already evolved. During evolution, it is very common for species to branch off. What we call monkeys, apes, and the like are not the creatures we evolved from. They just happen to be closer to that part of the family tree than we are.
As for the "If I plant an apple seed, what do I get? An apple tree! Always!" arguement, that is not true. Aurochs became cows. Some wolves became dogs, and others stayed wolves. The same is true for the sabertooth tiger. Some stayed large, others went small. Although they are the same type of creature, they are not the same creature. An apple and a pear are the same kind of fruit, but not the same fruit.
As for the Big Bang, there is very little doubt that it happened, in one way or another. Our universe is deteriorating. All galaxies are moving away from a central point. And as time goes on, entropy will take over.
However, speaking of entropy, before that old arguement comes up, entropy only applies to closed systems, that have no extra input. The universe is a closed system. The Earth is not. Sunlight comes in from afar, and provides heat to the planet, thus adding more energy. Comets and meteors hit, and with them brings new material.
As for evolution, I have to say the stuff they teach you in high school is wrong. That was disproven over a hundred years ago. Why? Because it was replaced by 2 new ideas, which explained things better. Not too long ago, those were replaced by a new theory, which was much more complex, had a large amount of evidence behind it, and covered everything that could be covered.
And the "a theory is just a theory, not a law" argument? Theory means something very differentl in scientific terms than it does in casual speech. What casual speech calls a theory is what scientific terms label as a hypothesis. A theory which is an idea that has been put through numerous tests, is nearly universally agreed to be the truth, and does not apply to everything, everywhere. A Law is an idea which has been put through numerous tests, is nearly universally agreed to be the truth, and applies to everything, everwhere. There are four Laws: Gravity, Electromagnetism, the Strong Nuclear Force, and the Weak Nuclear Force. Evolution can not be a law, because evolution doesn't apply to the creation of rocks, or the way water holds together.
Atheism is not a rejection of what a person KNOWS to be true. It is a stated belief that there is no higher power of any kind. Much as how theism is a stated belief that there is a higher power or powers.
Now, on to some other minor issues:
The Founding Fathers were Christian, but this does not mean that the country was founded on Christianity as a result. A person is very easily abled to create something, and not have it mixed with their personal religious beliefs. Thomas Jefferson cut out any mention of the Lord, the Son, and such in his Bible. Why? Because he thought the message was what mattered, and the characters unimportant. He is who suggested that Church and State be seperate, for he feared that if the two were combined, a totalitarian nation would emerge, one which would not accept change, and could not comprehend what was going on in the world around it. Also, England tied Church into State, and man, the Founding Fathers didn't like those guys for some reason.
Oh, and seperation of Church and State is not in the constitution. Jefferson wrote many letters about it, and through all his letters it became a common, accepted idea. Though it is not in the Constitution, as the Constitution currently stands, is is very well implied.
Unable to belief that God is love does not mean that person has not had much love in their life. The love that Christ has for humanity is not the same as the love people have for other people. Those who don't understand that sort of love simply don't understand it. It is foreign from what they associate as love.
And, ah yes, the "most all geniuses believe in God" argument. Yes, while more than a good few did, especially in the old days, as knowledge and science advanced, this is no longer true. Most geniuses nowadays believe it to be true. If you walk up to a member of MENSA or the like, a vast majority will tell you they are Atheist. Also, the amount of people who believe in God and Creation decreases the higher the education level the person has. Of the people who have finished getting their doctorates, only 1.2% believe in God. Meanwhile, those who have only graduated high school are around 40%. What truth is revealed to people while they get their doctorate? What truth is told to those who have not entered college, that is withheld from all others? If God created the brain, surely he wouldn't let the smartest people be the most easily fooled.
And just for a nice finish: The egg came first. Reptiles were around before avians.
All I can say id that you all are argueing about something that your not even sure is true or flase the best thing anyone can do is believe in your choice and hope for the best in the end your all dead anyways. so deal with it like the fuck tard that GOD created you as, and as for the koran that's fine and all but you all need to realize that the bible and the koran are 2 seprate truths about GOD that was seperated by some idiots along time ago that thought they could control the populace by force of religion. As far as religion goes it's a complete waste of time Yes I believe in GOD but no where in there does it say I have to go to a church and worship him. It states "Where there are 2 or more talking about him he'll be there!" yes that is Alah as well for those of you who believe in the koran or Jehova and so on and so forth. so if you would like to talk about GOD I'm ready to listen but if you want to talk about religion then you will be and should be ignored for you fallow mans law for understanding GOD there is no way for anyone to understand that which is infinite.
Oh man, there are so many reasons why this thread is hilarious. A religious arguement erupted over a Family Guy clip! And then there's the Christians who don't know their faith, the Atheists who don't quite know their stance, and the people who try to merge the two.
The Bible makes it quite clear that all life was made by him. The Bible also makes it quite clear that God would rather a man fuck a whore than masturbate. It also pretty much lays out that the Anti-Christ is not an Anti-Christian entity, and that there will be multiple Anti-Christs through time until the End comes. God makes it quite clear in both testaments that he hates those who are not of his chosen faith. God is not Love. Christ is Love. Though Christ is a part of the Holy Trinity, he is not God. As Christ said in Matt 13:32 "But of that day or that hour not a person knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." This verse shows that Christ the Son is part of the Trinity and part of God, but not God the Father. God is Knowledge and Justice. Love he left for the Son.
I find the mention of "Where was love created then?" rather amusing. It was created in our brains. The brains God gave us. He did not create emotions or feelings, or such ideas. He let us do it on our own through the act of free will.
Meanwhile, faith is what you believe in, no matter if it is true or not. If you think the sun shall come up tommorow at morning, you have faith in the sun to do that.
As for "Man must have been created by someone or something, else we could not possibly be here! Just look at watches!" Well, you see, there's a problem with that logic. Watches are artificial. They do not naturally occur. Each and every watch must be created by someone or something? Would you claim that humans are artificial? That we are all fake? Even if God created the first two humans, all others were made through natural means. Humans are natural, not artificial. Now, if you want to continue that arguement do so. Say that us being here is proof that someone created us. You come across a tree that has falled in the forest. You say it was chopped down. Evolutionists would say lightning hit it. If all you do is rely upon the fact that the tree has fallen, you can not begin to figure out what actually got rid of it. Inspect it to see if there are ax marks on it, or if it has burns.
I also notice mentions of aliens by a Christian. In Genesis, it is plainly stated that Man is the only creature with enough intelligence to create. He granted this ability to us, and us alone, so that we could rule over all other life in Creation. Saying that intelligent aliens who build advanced spacecraft exist says that God did not grant us that lone ability and that he did not make us cheifs of all other life in Creation.
You can not pick and choose which part of the Bible to believe in. It is God-Breathed, each and every word written by him through the prophets and Disciples. In Revelations, it is made clear that denying one part of the Bible means denying all parts of the Bible.
There is no room for metaphorical interpretation, because it supports what you want to be more than what the Bible says it to be. God had the Bible written like he did, to make sure people would know unalltered truth, and made it so even simple people, of the lowest intelligence, could understand. There is no metaphor, there is no "Well, this is what Matthew is actually saying here..." and there is no room for doubt.
Meanwhile, now that the Christian part is out of the way, let's go to the other side.
The reasons monkeys have yet evolve into humans, is because they have already evolved. During evolution, it is very common for species to branch off. What we call monkeys, apes, and the like are not the creatures we evolved from. They just happen to be closer to that part of the family tree than we are.
As for the "If I plant an apple seed, what do I get? An apple tree! Always!" arguement, that is not true. Aurochs became cows. Some wolves became dogs, and others stayed wolves. The same is true for the sabertooth tiger. Some stayed large, others went small. Although they are the same type of creature, they are not the same creature. An apple and a pear are the same kind of fruit, but not the same fruit.
As for the Big Bang, there is very little doubt that it happened, in one way or another. Our universe is deteriorating. All galaxies are moving away from a central point. And as time goes on, entropy will take over.
However, speaking of entropy, before that old arguement comes up, entropy only applies to closed systems, that have no extra input. The universe is a closed system. The Earth is not. Sunlight comes in from afar, and provides heat to the planet, thus adding more energy. Comets and meteors hit, and with them brings new material.
As for evolution, I have to say the stuff they teach you in high school is wrong. That was disproven over a hundred years ago. Why? Because it was replaced by 2 new ideas, which explained things better. Not too long ago, those were replaced by a new theory, which was much more complex, had a large amount of evidence behind it, and covered everything that could be covered.
And the "a theory is just a theory, not a law" argument? Theory means something very differentl in scientific terms than it does in casual speech. What casual speech calls a theory is what scientific terms label as a hypothesis. A theory which is an idea that has been put through numerous tests, is nearly universally agreed to be the truth, and does not apply to everything, everywhere. A Law is an idea which has been put through numerous tests, is nearly universally agreed to be the truth, and applies to everything, everwhere. There are four Laws: Gravity, Electromagnetism, the Strong Nuclear Force, and the Weak Nuclear Force. Evolution can not be a law, because evolution doesn't apply to the creation of rocks, or the way water holds together.
Atheism is not a rejection of what a person KNOWS to be true. It is a stated belief that there is no higher power of any kind. Much as how theism is a stated belief that there is a higher power or powers.
Now, on to some other minor issues:
The Founding Fathers were Christian, but this does not mean that the country was founded on Christianity as a result. A person is very easily abled to create something, and not have it mixed with their personal religious beliefs. Thomas Jefferson cut out any mention of the Lord, the Son, and such in his Bible. Why? Because he thought the message was what mattered, and the characters unimportant. He is who suggested that Church and State be seperate, for he feared that if the two were combined, a totalitarian nation would emerge, one which would not accept change, and could not comprehend what was going on in the world around it. Also, England tied Church into State, and man, the Founding Fathers didn't like those guys for some reason.
Oh, and seperation of Church and State is not in the constitution. Jefferson wrote many letters about it, and through all his letters it became a common, accepted idea. Though it is not in the Constitution, as the Constitution currently stands, is is very well implied.
Unable to belief that God is love does not mean that person has not had much love in their life. The love that Christ has for humanity is not the same as the love people have for other people. Those who don't understand that sort of love simply don't understand it. It is foreign from what they associate as love.
And, ah yes, the "most all geniuses believe in God" argument. Yes, while more than a good few did, especially in the old days, as knowledge and science advanced, this is no longer true. Most geniuses nowadays believe it to be true. If you walk up to a member of MENSA or the like, a vast majority will tell you they are Atheist. Also, the amount of people who believe in God and Creation decreases the higher the education level the person has. Of the people who have finished getting their doctorates, only 1.2% believe in God. Meanwhile, those who have only graduated high school are around 40%. What truth is revealed to people while they get their doctorate? What truth is told to those who have not entered college, that is withheld from all others? If God created the brain, surely he wouldn't let the smartest people be the most easily fooled.
And just for a nice finish: The egg came first. Reptiles were around before avians.
jesus loves us each and every one no matter what we do
we just have to believe and trust that he does love us and will return to us one day sooner or later its just a matter of time