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6,033 Views 1 decade ago Funny

That's one funny looking dude. The snake was like wtf is he doing? It probably got spooked the fuck out.

  • kkkkilla March 30, 2006

    I still can't get over the cuteness of her trying to compose herself and stay professional.

  • kkkkilla March 30, 2006

    Hell, everything taste like chicken. Some ppl think snake is some pretty tasty stuff.

  • dee123 March 25, 2006

    this has just made my day. still laughing. But you biggots should have cement shoes on and dropped in the river. Ohhh, the stupidity. I'm pretty new here and have been reading some old comments.

    The kkkkiller person is so right. People like you make it hard to say i'm a proud white american. you are simply ignorant.

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