You white guys make me This is the only place you can call someone a I know for sure you scary chumps never once called someone never called someone that to there face... Don't hate because your manhood is only 3 to 5 inches... It's not our fault you don't satify your girl or wife... I guess that's why so many white women are fucking black men huh?
Hehe he's the shit.
You white guys make me This is the only place you can call someone a I know for sure you scary chumps never once called someone never called someone that to there face... Don't hate because your manhood is only 3 to 5 inches... It's not our fault you don't satify your girl or wife... I guess that's why so many white women are fucking black men huh?
No crack head....whats funny is your momma
yeaaaaaa dat nigger funny