Killed In Action

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20,697 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

I think this a really fucked up clip. However I think the cop was a fool. He should have never let that guy get back in his car. I would have shot that fucker before he even though twice abo... Show more

  •   grhman October 24, 2017

    Why don't they teach cops how to aim?

  • elgould July 8, 2012

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Dinkheller wasn't cut out to be a cop.

  • kenfromdublin February 9, 2009

    I just found this -


    Kyle Dinkheller (Corporal)

    Laurens County Sheriff's Department

    By Cathy Kirby, Dublin, GA USA

    Officer Dinkheller was making a routine traffic stop, a gunman emerged from his truck with a .30 carbine rifle. Officer Dinkheller was shot numerous times despite body armor. He was dead at the scene. The murderer was a militia/survivalist type with tunnels and trenches in which he was able to elude law enforcement for the night but was apprehended the next day. He suffered one bullet wound to the abdomen. He is being held for murder. Officer Kyle Dinkheller was an outstanding Sheriff's Deputy and friend...he will be sorely missed.

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