IED Attack In Bahgdad

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8,334 Views 1 decade ago War

Every time I see one of these videos I get so mad. Those guys are such cowards. They sit back and watch!!! Fucking losers.

  • 3sal June 2, 2006

    yes,, much more cowards seen in Abu Ghraib


    have a nice dreams ppl

  • unknown June 1, 2006

    P.S. You can be against this fuckin war, I am, but ya gotta support the Troops and not make the same mistake. When they come home,welcome them. I used to think o.k. 58,000 killed in Nam. those lives were not for nothing if we learned a lesson from it. In comes 666Bush666,where was he during Viet Nam??

  • unknown June 1, 2006

    3sal who do you give your alliegence to? Maybe, whats the name of that place where Hobbits live? Fuckin allzheimers!!

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