Screaming Like A Baby

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9,163 Views 1 decade ago Fights

He thought he was tough and then zap he goes down. Like a little baby. What a bitch!!!

  • frank n. stein August 9, 2017

    Baby shit his diaper!

  • lordgenocyde July 16, 2008

    A couple of things here:

    1. Those who die from the taser being used on them (or any type of other electrostun weapon) have existing health problems like pulmonary hypertension. This crap about perfectly normal people getting tased and dying is just that...crap. I've been hit by them (kinda have's a qualification matter for working inside a correctional setting) and after being hit twice, let me tell you something. You don't know how you're going to react to that. It's almost involuntary. I'm not surprised by his reaction and the truth is, if he didn't react that way, that's reason for the cop to really become concerned.

    Second item: cops have jobs to do. If you know your rights and you exercise them, even if the cop is completely out of his mind (and this isn't ALL cops like some of you are thinking) then you have reason to file against both the officer and his supervisor for it. Look it up and get informed. One thing I'd like to impress to some of you that think all cops need an "ass whuppin" have you ever thought that maybe you getting to know your rights and using them might be a little smarter of an approach?

    I do offer one challenge to all of you who think cops need an "ass whuppin." Go join your local P.D. If you think you can do it better and make a difference, by all means go for it! It's a helluva lot more productive than sitting on the internet thinking every agent of law enforcement or corrections is your enemy.

  • douthinkicare August 9, 2006

    lol that was some funny shit

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