San Antonio Police Department released footage from an officer-involved shooting, officers were dispatched to a Family Dollar store after an individual made two calls to 911 reporting that a...San Antonio Police Department released footage from an officer-involved shooting, officers were dispatched to a Family Dollar store after an individual made two calls to 911 reporting that a male was standing outside and had threatened the caller with a gun and a long knife. The suspect identified as 18-year-old Kolton Chavez dropped a backpack on the ground before pulling out a large knife from his waistband and turning toward the officers. prompting three officers to open fire. Chavez was taken to University Hospital where he was pronounced deceased. It was later determined by investigators that Chavez was the one who made the two calls to 911 describing himself to the call taker.
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US is such a nice country they even happily shot you dead if you call 911 on yourself
" suicide by cop " he call 911 and everything
"we wanna help you". XD even he doesnt beleive that