The Ghost Car

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7,746 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

That's pretty strange. How the hell did he do that. That was one slick bastard.

  • brutalbetty December 14, 2008

    Hey you know what it really does'nt matter if it was connefcted or not connected i remember reading about a a bus double decker in London that was also in high speed chase all the the way to the country side and flipped over in a curve trying to clear and nobody was ever found driving the bus!! as the limey's looked every where till sunrise and could'nt find anybody.

  • skippyd September 18, 2008


  • tapout1173 September 4, 2006

    that's what I am talking bout..ghosts just don't drive vehicles..stupid people would actually believe that shyt..I don't and everyone's right that fence had no connection at the bottom

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