Hey Teamjerkoff why don't you tell everbody the real reason why your a racist its because you once tried to hit on a black woman and she fucked you off big style sayin no thanks your ugly,spotty,smelly,you aint got no dress sense,you've got a mullet oh and most of all you got a little dick and then she brought her fella over and he was one big muthafuckin black dude and instead of beatin the crap outa your scrawney ass he just lobbed his cock out and you run a fuckin mile and you've been mentaly scared and retarded ever since and then you give up on girls and turned to little gay men so long you shit stabber
All that impact and hardly any front end damage...and the door still opens?
the black Beamer didn't look like it was even damaged. I smell PHOTOSHOP....
Hey Teamjerkoff why don't you tell everbody the real reason why your a racist its because you once tried to hit on a black woman and she fucked you off big style sayin no thanks your ugly,spotty,smelly,you aint got no dress sense,you've got a mullet oh and most of all you got a little dick and then she brought her fella over and he was one big muthafuckin black dude and instead of beatin the crap outa your scrawney ass he just lobbed his cock out and you run a fuckin mile and you've been mentaly scared and retarded ever since and then you give up on girls and turned to little gay men so long you shit stabber