yeah what john said ^5 sweety- relentless rant in here is ohhhhhhh so tiiiiiiiiresome~ as a newbie to the site it took me 3 days to learn to just scroll past the shit~ and love you all who are funny as hell with what you post!!
I love the funny/crazy shit- loathe and ignore the B U L L S H I T *smiles*
I got your rocks hanging mutherfucker.
yeah what john said ^5 sweety- relentless rant in here is ohhhhhhh so tiiiiiiiiresome~ as a newbie to the site it took me 3 days to learn to just scroll past the shit~ and love you all who are funny as hell with what you post!!
I love the funny/crazy shit- loathe and ignore the B U L L S H I T *smiles*