Anaconda Vs Man

Anaconda Vs Man
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17,257 Views 1 decade ago Animals

Holy shit!!!! That fucking snake ate him!!!!

  • squirrelkiller May 31, 2009

    Poor snake r.i.p

  • xantradorn September 17, 2007

    we could use big snakes to recycle trash. instead of oozy dump mountains we would get a lot of sweet, compact colourful marbles. or bowling balls

  • snakes2711 October 24, 2006

    This is why snakes are misunderstood.

    For one, this is not an Anaconda, it's a Reticulated Python, as mentioned previously. Also, if you look at the last few pictures, it's not even the same snake. And as for eating a man, the shape of the bulge in the pictures is different from the shape of the man.

    Reticulated pythons are pretty placid, no way would they eat a human.

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