She's Got a Weak Blatter

She's Got a Weak Blatter
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48,568 Views 1 decade ago Random Nudity

How fucking hard it is to strap on some depends once and a while instead of pissing in public. I mean that's how I roll when I go to the bar. Sure people look at you funny, but you know what... Show more

  • devastationinc September 23, 2006

    belarius wrote:

    actually, she’s not really peeing. she’s getting her salad tossed by a London midget. you just can’t see the little fucker cuz he’s got a toe and finger death grip on her plump arse.


  • teamshowof September 22, 2006

    yea yea yea nah brotha! i am ********! ********! ********! and i will make a triumphant return when i have vanquished teamvinegarandwater! don't talk so much shit, yer my admitted c.s. bro, yea yea yea if you want to run yer mouth that much without a clue, then the real team has something for you to put in it. yea yea yea sorry NOT!!

  • belarius September 22, 2006

    okay, so teamshowoff fades away eventually. now we got your silly ass to put up with. yea yea yea!

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