This is one strange showing of ass. I don't think I would be to comfortable with her being able to turn around like that because then she might be able to see me eating my sandwich while we ...This is one strange showing of ass. I don't think I would be to comfortable with her being able to turn around like that because then she might be able to see me eating my sandwich while we are getting busy. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices.
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This thread is like the energizer bunny--it keeps going & going & going...Based on crime statistics from the FBI I seriously doubt that looking in a mirror will change anything whites are feeling towards blacks. It ain't just a 'few bad apples' & now that's evident. Most liberal websites are putting out on their frontpages about the rape/murder rates that blacks are committing & how they are just too dangerous to the security of American citizens. They can't even defend blacks anymore & that's saying something scary. It's not IF, boys, it's WHEN. I can't imagine the wicked sound of 60 million mad white mother fuckers' boots hittin' the ground. It's also known as the coming white tsunami. There won't be no looting at this one. sorry niggers.
^^yes you are a nigger^^
This thread is like the energizer bunny--it keeps going & going & going...Based on crime statistics from the FBI I seriously doubt that looking in a mirror will change anything whites are feeling towards blacks. It ain't just a 'few bad apples' & now that's evident. Most liberal websites are putting out on their frontpages about the rape/murder rates that blacks are committing & how they are just too dangerous to the security of American citizens. They can't even defend blacks anymore & that's saying something scary. It's not IF, boys, it's WHEN. I can't imagine the wicked sound of 60 million mad white mother fuckers' boots hittin' the ground. It's also known as the coming white tsunami. There won't be no looting at this one. sorry niggers.