On one hand you didn't crash into a ball of flames but on the other hand you got your expensive ass plane stuck up in some high tenstion lines. Not to mention the shit stains all over your p...On one hand you didn't crash into a ball of flames but on the other hand you got your expensive ass plane stuck up in some high tenstion lines. Not to mention the shit stains all over your pants.
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everytime he touches metal in that cockpit,he'llbe reminded of what a dumb fuck he is.who termed th inside of a plane a cock pit:whats that a pit of cocks?a cock with pits.oh rodger,any answers?
rodgtard, there ain't much redundancy in a twin engine plane either.all the engine that's still running is good for is to get you to the crash.
everytime he touches metal in that cockpit,he'llbe reminded of what a dumb fuck he is.who termed th inside of a plane a cock pit:whats that a pit of cocks?a cock with pits.oh rodger,any answers?
ya that wouldn't be a good thing.