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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
9,018 Views 1 decade ago Funny

This has got to be the luckiest sheep on the entire planet. Not only does he get driven around all the time he also gets treated to nights out on the town. It's all fine and dandy till it co... Show more

  • blackrose13 August 22, 2008

    its how they carry the sheep back to the pens

  • smoky_420 August 7, 2008

    dirty sheep fucker

  • copenhagenman October 27, 2007

    if the sheep shit on him it wouldn't be too big a deal. it would just be little pellets and tthey'd probably fall off on the ground. not speaking from experience, understand, but i know what sheep shit looks like. nobody could ever say that i don't know sheep shit from wild honey. not to be confused with going ape shit because i've done that a lot of times. man, i've got to stop. this shit is getting crazier by the minute. my phone was out of order for a couple of days and i guess i am experiencing withdrawal or something. i need to pull a nazi and say "bye, bitchez."

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