Do not feed the bears

Do not feed the bears
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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
8,312 Views 1 decade ago Funny

Humans can't seem to understand that those furry creatures at the zoo would rip them to shreds given enough hunger or boredom was provided. I say if these idiots can't understand that fact t... Show more

  •   graveyard November 4, 2007

    A bear eats me, shit the worse that could happen it would get high as hell.

  • hagusbenwa November 4, 2007

    Should feed the bears some of the assholes from PETA, lets them gag on those pricks for a bit

  • copenhagenman November 4, 2007

    ^^^^ain't it the truth? plus, having to label everything so our new citizens can read the precautions. it has gotten so bad i can't read the instructions on a fucking can of brake fluid!

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