Same cereal more nuts

Same cereal more nuts
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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
7,997 Views 1 decade ago Creative Shit

It's almost presidential election season and as usual I am feeling like the country is doomed no matter what kind of republicrat we have in office. It's like corn flakes. Same damn cereal ev... Show more

  • copenhagenman December 13, 2007

    now with added communists. and don't try to lie out of it hillary and osama. how in the hell did either one of them even get elected to the senate?the bitch was not a resident of the state she got elected in and he is not even american. we, as average, honest americans couldn't even qualify to run if not resident. if anybody disagrees with me i plead the fifth amendment-no, wait. thats wrong. i meant the first amendment. i got so used to the fifth i got fucked

  • ikill December 12, 2007

    next product from kellogs, osama o's! now with marshmallow shapes of your least favorite cave dwelling dust monkeys.

  • skoal36 December 12, 2007

    clintons ol lady so fired up since she aint had a object up her what chelsia

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