Before they figured out how to make those big plastic port o potty enlosures they had to resort to a more rudimentary method of providing relief for the masses. Of course it took a lot of ma...Before they figured out how to make those big plastic port o potty enlosures they had to resort to a more rudimentary method of providing relief for the masses. Of course it took a lot of man power to do it and they were constantly asking for raises so we worked out a better solution.
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if i was going to carry that around i would have to at least carry it on my back. of course i'm not queer, and that dude apparently is. i guess you would have to be queer to do that or at least it would help a hell of a lot.
if i was going to carry that around i would have to at least carry it on my back. of course i'm not queer, and that dude apparently is. i guess you would have to be queer to do that or at least it would help a hell of a lot.
how fucking convenient. i'd just have to piss on that bastards feet while i was getting the range and elevation right.
Beats the hell out of those niggers in the club bathroom handing you towels and cheap cologne for a quarter!