Nothing spells I want attention like piercing up your face till it's unrecognizable. A little hoop here maybe a stud there is fine but if you look anything like this please stop. You making ...Nothing spells I want attention like piercing up your face till it's unrecognizable. A little hoop here maybe a stud there is fine but if you look anything like this please stop. You making everyone else who likes to pierce themselves look bad.
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carnutt, that sounds like a .44 round. right? he definitely needs one. right between the fucking eyes. i have plenty 158 gr. jhp .357mag rounds ready to go. some with his name on them.
carnutt, that sounds like a .44 round. right? he definitely needs one. right between the fucking eyes. i have plenty 158 gr. jhp .357mag rounds ready to go. some with his name on them.
im impressed... he was still able to find his camera and take a self portrait
id probably sew my eyes shut too if i had to look at that shit in the mirror