"Because men pleasuring themselves to videos of girls saying "stepbro" is clearly waaaayyyy worse than cows getting forcibly bred, separated from their calves, painfully milked, hung upside ..."Because men pleasuring themselves to videos of girls saying "stepbro" is clearly waaaayyyy worse than cows getting forcibly bred, separated from their calves, painfully milked, hung upside down and slit by their throat, male chicks being macerated alive the day they're born, pigs being kept in cramped metal cages in their own bodily waste and eventually lowered into gas chambers. Damn vegans and their priorities, amirite?"
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if you dont know good sheperds exist..... maybe you're a fkn psycho! fuck vegans prioritys..... its there retarded thought, summed up in absolutes and lack of energy that really pisses me off kiddo
The typical responses in the comments and how many dislikes this has just further proves the point
Meme page is through the other door.
if you dont know good sheperds exist..... maybe you're a fkn psycho! fuck vegans prioritys..... its there retarded thought, summed up in absolutes and lack of energy that really pisses me off kiddo