Growing up with a deformed face is a really hard thing to deal with. No matter what most people will treat you differently after they see you. That's why you need to come up with a snappy na...Growing up with a deformed face is a really hard thing to deal with. No matter what most people will treat you differently after they see you. That's why you need to come up with a snappy name like "Walrus Boy". That way you can at least make a decent living off people staring at your shit.
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I would not fuck with this dude. Instinct tells me he's gonna come fuck you all up for givin him shit and stuff. I reckon he is some hard-ass SAS muthafukka, probably from Scotland had his car hit by a tactical nuke and still walked away and double-tapped the 30 fuckers who did it.... or he might just be a redneck from wyoming whos vocabulary only extends to the phrase " I like cheese".
think he'll suck my dick?
I would not fuck with this dude. Instinct tells me he's gonna come fuck you all up for givin him shit and stuff. I reckon he is some hard-ass SAS muthafukka, probably from Scotland had his car hit by a tactical nuke and still walked away and double-tapped the 30 fuckers who did it.... or he might just be a redneck from wyoming whos vocabulary only extends to the phrase " I like cheese".
Hey Mister, I think you got something in your eye