Splish splash asian dudes in a bath

Splish splash asian dudes in a bath
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40,891 Views 1 decade ago Asians

Can anyone figure out why the hell you wouldn't just put those showerheads up a couple more feet so you wouldn't have to squat down. I'm starting to think they enjoy squatting all over the p... Show more

  • mylarjorgen April 26, 2008

    The Hanoi basketball team adapted remarkably well whilst playing away at the Rangoon Midgets ground.

  • skababy69 April 15, 2008

    asians hate waste so the company got a good deal on these silly seats off ebay.

  • pissonyourface April 11, 2008

    Not a problem for these guys to squat like this in the shower... They never have to worry about their dicks touching the dirty floor.

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