Here's to the weekend

Here's to the weekend
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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
68,017 Views 1 decade ago Random Nudity

Nothing like relaxing on a Saturday and making your lady do all the lawnwork topless. Sure it's just a fantasy but that doesn't mean her lazy ass can't get the weed eater out and do some tri... Show more

  • up-yours August 2, 2009

    Your all lame! She was posin' when I got done with her!

  • mylarjorgen April 26, 2008

    Hah, got to the bottom of the list and no-one had done the ride-on joke so fuck you all.

    Damn is that a ride on?

    Dont them fuckers have a stick shift in the middle there? Vibrates quite a bit if i recall.

  • pissonyourface April 16, 2008

    You got two choices bitch... Mow the fucking lawn or lay over the mower doggies style and I'll ram ya from behind... MAKE A CHOICE... cause right now... your just wast'in fucking time!

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