Drunk guy gets molested with lollipops

Drunk guy gets molested with lollipops
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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
36,422 Views 1 decade ago Drink & Drugs

Nothing spells love to your friends like violating them while they are sleeping. Afterall, when they wake up it's a lot harder to paint on their face so you might as well do it while they ar... Show more

  • mr_ant January 9, 2009

    Okay,putting them in the crack of his butt was overkill. I hope it was not guys that did him like that because that would be gay.

  • mylarjorgen April 26, 2008

    Hey "Ouch" you're right this time, but answer every question with the word "spazmodic" and one day you will get a question that answers correctly, i suppose.

  • mylarjorgen April 26, 2008

    This is the action of a closet homosexual. HEY, Its cool to take the clothes of a sleeping man and stick sweets on his body. Just tell him you're gay, maybe he will forgive your pathetic prank and not stab you in the eye with a lolly-stick. I bet when you stuck the one on his cock, you had to take it off and lick it again "just to make sure it stuck of course"

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