Chewing tobacco mouth cancer

Chewing tobacco mouth cancer
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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
56,244 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

Ever wonder why they warn you not to use chewing tobacco? Well here is a perfect example. Sure you'll look cool and repel ladies but is it really worth having a maggot toilet in your mouth?

  • futabrooke June 3, 2010

    in some countries, even today, they use certain species of maggots to help clean out the wound... The particular species they use only eats dead tissue, which keeps the wound free of rotting flesh. it's a lot more efficient in some cases, not so much in others.

    Makes me wonder what happened to get him like that?

  • drublix February 13, 2009

    Someone should tell him he has alittle something right there..

  • xcookiesx February 5, 2009

    he must b way someone could let it get that far with all those fuckin maggots..great now i got goose bumps for days

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