The Penalty for Passing Out Early

The Penalty for Passing Out Early
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11,715 Views 2 decades ago Drink & Drugs

But where's the marker writing at, a standard for all passed out revenge.

  • ba1 July 12, 2020

    What a butt head!

  • linc January 8, 2009

    it's interpretation of pinhead sucks badly

  • quecksilber August 6, 2007

    LOL, the same shit happened to one of my friends while we were all in germany. the dude passed out at the hotel, and we shaving creamed the whole left side of the dude's head down to his shoulder. then we threw water on his pants to wake him up and make it look like he pissed his pants, and for about two minutes he didn't notice that he had shaving cream on him. it was even covering his left eye, and he still didn't know! hilarious!!!

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