From the Websters Unwoke Dictionary

From the Websters Unwoke Dictionary
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  • drtyrell June 21, 2024

    Joe Biden is a lifelong Pedophile. His entire family line were pedophiles as the Delaware police discovered by going through Hunter's laptop. Joe fucked both his sons and his daughter. Hunter's drug use is a direct result of his abuse. Hunter fucked his niece and she had his child at 14. Joe's wife dies. Son dies after going to war and deciding he's not afraid of Daddy anymore. If you talk, Joe's team will kill you. Hunter is extorting his father.

  • grumpycunt June 21, 2024

    Yes, Biden is suffering from old age while king pedo has totally lost the plot saying Joan Rivers told him she voted for him when in fact she died 2 whole years before the election and the funniest part is that the inbred dumbfuck trumptards will believe him

  • ghunter64 June 21, 2024

    The rest of the world should be shitting itself. 2 senile geriatric old guys are the BEST that America can put forward. Just let that sink in...... 2 senile geriatric old guys are the BEST America can put forward.

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