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  • john2526 August 5, 2024

    Just some info for anyone not aware of this aspect.

    There are people who have Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS). They have XY chromosomes, but they aren't able to process testosterone.

    As a result, they stay female (the default) in the womb. A lot of them don't realize they're XY until they don't have a period and go to their doctors. They appear entirely female. You would NEVER know they're XY.

    BTW, This guy isn't one of those situations... He's a dude who may or may not have been born with ambiguous genitalia.

    There are a number of people who have "come out" with AIS. Many of them are people you'd never hesitate to f*ck if you didn't know... and maybe if you did (look up "androgen insensitivity" on YouTube).

    I'm not sure how sports should handle people with AIS. The fairest thing would probably be to tell them they can't compete, at least at this level, and would have to compete either with men or with other AIS folks. That seems a little unfair to them, but life's not fair sometimes.

  • doctor_trevor August 5, 2024

    it's funny that she's taking more shit over this than Steven van de Velde is for raping a twelve year old.

  • unknown August 5, 2024

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