Along came a bird and a spider ate it

Along came a bird and a spider ate it
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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
35,946 Views 1 decade ago Animals

Even Morgan Freeman knows it's only a matter of time before spiders evolve and start eating humans so I suggest we start our mass extermination campaign immediately. Don't wait till your bir... Show more

  • leebuck2 December 18, 2008

    Dude I'm fucking scared shitless of spiders. That pic will give me nightmares for weeks. BUH

  • iudicium86 November 8, 2008

    Seriously scary shit! I'm not afraid of spiders, but put that bitch anywhere near a place u don't me going into, I'm not even trying.

    It's real, and that bird is a Chestnut-Breasted Mannikin. Although not a big bird like a pigeon, it's also not exactly tiny like a Finch. It's just a regular small bird. But that is real, and is also a very abnormally large Golden Silk Orbweaver.

    Here's a site I found with those same pics and more info..


  • breed November 3, 2008

    i've walked thru a golden orbs web in the bush when i was pissed one night and its web is some sticky shit. i fully reckon thats a real pic. that bird is a finch of some kind and there millions of em where i live they are a very small bird. that spider would be bigger than ya hand and they got some big fucking fangs.

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