True statement. You`1d think they would change the rhetoric, and devise another talking point. But no,, the same gibberish they`ve been spewing. Change your story,, the American people have seen enough Democratic talking points. It didn`t work this time, and it wont work again in 2028.
It also showed how out of touch the Democratic party has become with the average American. They tried to stear us from core values that have made our country great and we've simply had enough of it.
True statement. You`1d think they would change the rhetoric, and devise another talking point. But no,, the same gibberish they`ve been spewing. Change your story,, the American people have seen enough Democratic talking points. It didn`t work this time, and it wont work again in 2028.
It also showed how out of touch the Democratic party has become with the average American. They tried to stear us from core values that have made our country great and we've simply had enough of it.
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