The eye brow mustache

If you are sick and tired of your mustache not growing in fully then maybe it is time to take some initiative and rip your fucking eyebrow off and stick it to your face. Afterwards don't wor... Show more

  • danzer January 3, 2010

    That guys name is brandon vermillion from high class tattoo in ventura California. he is a good friend of my boyfriend... no joke he did that because he didnt like the way his eye brow looked. he was going to do the other one (as you can see) but they couldnt finish...nothing ever grew back its just this creepy scar. you can look him up on myspace.

  • lovinthedead February 12, 2009

    LOL had to be on drugs or he's inbred...either way Good job dude

  • willylickaball February 10, 2009

    That's gonna leave a mark. Have another drink Jr.

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