Semi Love

This might look like some kind of hippie art installation and you would be right. It is also the way semi's are made. What you didn't think they made those things in a factory did you?

  • patton303 March 29, 2009

    That's gotta be Burning Man...

  •   truckingman February 21, 2009

    Well the artist has half of the MF' weight down, the semi have "NO MF' Engines, Tranies, or Drive Shafts to hold up in the MF' Air, BITCHESS!!!!!!

    Sincerely, Robert Hallock

    the truckingman.

  •   truckingman February 21, 2009

    HOLLY MF" SHIT!!!!! How in the MF' hell did the artist get those semis up there and bent in slightly without Fucking up the semis' frame integrity??? I hope those semis were old and to Fucked-up to work because Once you heat up the frame of a semi, you MF' Fucked it up...... However, it's Kick Ass Artwork, BITCHESS!!!

    Sincerely, Robert Hallock

    the truckingman.

    P.S. sorry it took me so long to respond to this pic. I have been off the net for about a week.....

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