And you think your work sucks

No matter how bad it is if you live in a first world country you either get paid well or don't really have to work all that hard.  Some places you have to carry up entire buildings for litt... Show more

  • crapmonkeyx42 February 26, 2009

    He should buy a computer.

  • ohwickedwendi February 24, 2009

    When I was your age, I walked 10 miles up a hill with 10 ft long hollow metal pipes, both ways!

  •   truckingman February 23, 2009

    I hope the that pipe the guy is caring isn't SCH 80 or MF' SCH 100 ether way it's some MF' heave shit to MF' caring up a MF" hill!!!!

    Sincerely, Robert Hallock

    the truckingman.

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