The Anal Ward

The Anal Ward
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79,353 Views 1 decade ago Body Modifications

This lovely chick has evidently had enough of her boyfriend sticking it in her ass. With a quick trip down to the tattoo parlor, she has permanently sealed her asshole shit with some metal b... Show more

  • thisbagisnotatoy December 11, 2022

    These things look pretty far up from her winker to me - I don't think there's gonna be any shredded poop when she decides it's time to drop that double digit deuce. There's tons of bad tattoos and wack piercings out there - and the people that have them - well - you can say they made a bad decision while wasted or whatever but what about these 'artists' that install these units - is it 'anything goes' or what ?

  • -_einstein_- August 24, 2022

    If she sits down it‘s going to bend open. It‘ll rip, won‘t it

  • ezk_hypocrite September 4, 2010

    questa non potrà mai essere inculata!

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