New User Boobs For Your Hump Day

New User Boobs For Your Hump Day
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30,747 Views 1 decade ago Fan Tits

Ladies and gentlemen here is a brand new set of User Boobs for your Wednesday. Again, all the submissions are appreciated!! Have a set of tits you have yet to share? Write CS or Crazy Shit o... Show more

  • thundermug July 6, 2009

    ^^^^^ alright, that was creepy.

  • eatingher July 3, 2009

    Would you guys please stop asking if every set of big ass titties you see are miki's! Seriously, she's not going to show them to you guys and I'll tell you why; when you guys were slamming on my tits, she made a rude comment as well. So I did some research on some of the other things she's commented on. In a chat room I found conversation between her and another chick. She said something like "I'll never show my tits because I've had 3 kids dude, I'll admit, I've got stretch marks" Now, don't quote me word for word but I promise you she admitted to having stretch marks. To the guy saying this chick is fat....again I say, show me a skinny ass chick with tits that nice and that big and I'll show you that she is stock full of silicone! She's not superhuman, gravity will take her HUGE tits to some degree.

  • gettinhead July 2, 2009

    nice tits are nice tits who cares if shes a little thick

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