Starry Nipple

Starry Nipple
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70,774 Views 1 decade ago Body Modifications

Can someone clarify just exactly what is being shown here. I know there is a nice sized boob, but what is that around her nipple? Is it a pierced, something screwed on, or just a metal pasty... Show more

  • chefstirngutz July 21, 2009

    Tim! It is a tit how r u lost?

  • bayrat July 20, 2009

    Your right xsalvagex looks like 26 or 28 gauge phone wire. As a hetro male I just never looked pass the tit.

  • unknown July 20, 2009

    ^^^^^we can all claim to be this artist's, but if you come to CRAZYSHIT for your kicks, then there's a good chance you're a "BULLSHIT ARTIST", and to add we've all seen modern art, and that's not much to take claim to.

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