Personalized Shit Paper

What we have here ladies and gents is a bunch of different rolls of toilet paper which were personalized for it's owner. Why anyone would care what the paper they wipe their ass with looks l... Show more

  • blowsmoke November 12, 2010

    LOL it figures you don't give a reason you don't like obama and it figures that now that you think about why you don't like him you docan't think of a reason exc3ept that he's black.... poor poor things...

  • jphinfan86 April 11, 2010

    I know people that have never looked into it will down-rate but fuck Marion Morrison a.k.a. John Wayne (his stage name) a.k.a. The Duke/Douche. Bitch starred in WWII films and took glory as if he actually fought while good men went, died and lost many years of their young lives. He nearly never referenced their ACTUAL sacrifice as he soaked it in like a glorywhore. I wonder if they ever found a spine during his autopsy because it was absent in his life.

  • ohwickedwendi April 11, 2010

    I don't want the president looking up my ass--his administration already pretty much does that.

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